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Aluminum mold products: a "green innovation" in the metal aluminum industry

Aluminum mold products: a "green innovation" in the metal aluminum industry

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
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  • Time of issue:2017-04-20
  • Views:1

(Summary description)Aluminum and aluminum alloys are currently one of the most economical and suitable materials that are widely used. Since 1956, the world's aluminum output has surpassed the copper output and has always ranked first in non-ferrous metals. The current output and consumption (calculated in tons) of aluminum is second only to steel, becoming the second largest metal used by humans.    In recent years, the non-ferrous metal industry as a whole has faced difficulties such as overcapacity and poor downstream demand. According to the survey, electrolytic aluminum is the product with the most serious overcapacity in the industry. It is precisely because of this that the aluminum product industry will continuously develop new application areas, and aluminum template is one of them. Aluminum template, also known as aluminum alloy template, is made of aluminum alloy

Aluminum mold products: a "green innovation" in the metal aluminum industry

(Summary description)Aluminum and aluminum alloys are currently one of the most economical and suitable materials that are widely used. Since 1956, the world's aluminum output has surpassed the copper output and has always ranked first in non-ferrous metals. The current output and consumption (calculated in tons) of aluminum is second only to steel, becoming the second largest metal used by humans.    In recent years, the non-ferrous metal industry as a whole has faced difficulties such as overcapacity and poor downstream demand. According to the survey, electrolytic aluminum is the product with the most serious overcapacity in the industry. It is precisely because of this that the aluminum product industry will continuously develop new application areas, and aluminum template is one of them. Aluminum template, also known as aluminum alloy template, is made of aluminum alloy

  • Categories:Industry News
  • Author:
  • Origin:
  • Time of issue:2017-04-20
  • Views:1


  Aluminum and aluminum alloys are currently one of the most economical and suitable materials that are widely used. Since 1956, the world's aluminum output has surpassed the copper output and has always ranked first in non-ferrous metals. The current output and consumption (calculated in tons) of aluminum is second only to steel, becoming the second largest metal used by humans.

  In recent years, the non-ferrous metal industry as a whole has faced difficulties such as overcapacity and poor downstream demand. According to the survey, electrolytic aluminum is the product with the most serious overcapacity in the industry. It is precisely because of this that the aluminum product industry will continuously develop new application areas, and aluminum template is one of them. Aluminum formwork, also known as aluminum alloy formwork, is a building formwork made of aluminum alloy, which solves the defects of traditional formwork in the past and greatly improves construction efficiency.

  Specifically, aluminum molds have the following advantages: First of all, as we all know, aluminum has a low density and a product of the same volume is lighter, and aluminum molds with different elements have higher rigidity. In this way, during the construction process China Aluminum molds have lower cost and higher plasticity; secondly, because aluminum molds have lower cost and better plasticity, they have more specifications than other types of molds, which are suitable for standard floor construction, etc.; again, aluminum molds overcome It is difficult to install and dismantle traditional formwork, and does not rely on formwork technicians with long-term experience, which effectively saves construction costs; fourth, it has a wide range of applications, strong load-bearing capacity, and accurately designed formwork systems made of aluminum, which are suitable for all Building components, such as load-bearing walls, columns, beams, floor slabs, stairs, balconies, etc., can be completed by cement casting; the most important point is that aluminum molds are environmentally friendly. An industry insider said: aluminum molds are recycled There are more times, so that the single cost is lower than other powerful molds. What's more important is that all parts of the aluminum mold can be reused, which overcomes the shortcomings that only part of the parts can be used for wooden molds. According to incomplete statistics: in the process of normal use and standard construction, the aluminum template can be recycled more than 300 times, while the wooden template has only a few turnovers, and the steel template only has dozens of turnovers. In addition, the recovery rate is high and construction waste is not generated. The installation of aluminum formwork does not require the use of iron nails, electric saws and other accessories, which ensures the safety of construction and avoids the generation of construction waste, which fully meets the green building construction standards.

  In recent years, with the rapid development of my country's real estate and construction industries, the advantages of aluminum molds have been discovered and put into use by people in the industry, and they are constantly studying how to increase their service life and maintain a certain degree of gloss on the surface. Some progress has been made in this regard. For example: the development of surface coating, nickel plating and other processes.

  It is worth noting that there are inevitably certain problems and difficulties in the development of any industry. There are also corresponding problems in the development of aluminum molds, such as: people's concept of use, market acceptance, high initial investment cost, etc., but This does not become an obstacle to its development. In the face of these problems, companies must do in-depth and meticulous work in strengthening publicity, changing ideas, and adapting to the development of the situation. Only in this way can we promote a "green innovation" in the mold industry.

(Disclaimer: This article is excerpted from the author of Sohuhao)

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